Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania
Meeting Date : Monday May 20th, 2024
Meeting Minutes

                                                                                                                                                                                       The Parks Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on May 20, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, 26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift.

 MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gregory Artman, Chairman                                    Scott Kifer, Member       

 Mary Ralston, Vice Chairman                                Jeanna Cerra, Secretary - Treasurer 



VISITORS:                          Jeff Retter, Jamie Szitas, Brian Szitas, Cindy Reilly, Rich Simpson, Cathy Simpson, Marsha Dufour, Jay Start, Corporal Tyler Dubovi, Rick Veitch, Gene Bell, Ken Reynolds, Sam Grantz                            

 OTHERS PRESENT:      Officer William Weber

Mr. Artman was running late; Mrs. Ralston called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Copies of the Agenda and Minutes were given to all attending and were posted along with the Treasurer’s Report and Bill Payment List on the bulletin board for review.   Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting. 

Mr. Kifer made a motion to adopt the Minutes from the April 15, 2024, regular meeting; Mrs. Ralston               seconded it.  

Mr Kifer made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report for April 2024; and to reinvest the maturing CD with the bank that has the highest rate, Mrs. Ralston seconded it.  Receipts for April were $93,130.70 and expenses were $60,689.08 leaving a total balance of $561,712.36 (General Fund –$178,000.22; Capital Fund – $27,857.16; State Fund - $344,980.81; Street Light Fund – $11,447.17)  

Mr. Kifer made a motion to approve the Bill Payment List for April 12-May 16, 2024; Mrs. Ralston seconded it.   Each Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to himself or any member of his family.


A recall letter was sent from Chevrolet for the 2023 Chevy Silverado stating that the wrong tires were put on the Police truck and the township has until May 31, 2026, to have them changed. Officer Weber said we can wait to have that done. Mrs. Ralston made a motion to wait to have the tires changed, Mr. Kifer seconded it and Mr. Artman made in unanimous.


Police Report – Officer William Weber read the police report from April 1-30, 2024.

 Maintenance Crew- The crew has been berming and ditching getting ready for the Summer Project. Ken weed wacked Kepple Avenue and Mr. Artman will help him put the mower on the machine. Mr. Artman announced that at an Executive Session the Board hired two new full-time maintenance crew employees.  


Parks Committee- The committee is going to get flowers for the Vets Memorial and put-up new flags for Memorial Day. Mrs. Szitas will be attending a meeting for the summer lunch program on June 3, 2024. The committee is going to try to have lunch once a week at each park.

Planning Commission- The committee is working on a pamphlet for the burning ordinance. PSATS is having a Solar Farm meeting on May 29, 2024. They will meet once a month to continue updating the Comprehensive Plan, are working on the Road Data Base.


Mrs. Ralston said the Regional Policy Study is in the 2nd phase, another letter of intent needs signed, they are working on the charter agreement and budget currently.

Kepple Hill Park Drainage project is finished, and a fence is not needed around it, the township will post No trespassing signs.

Mrs. Ralston said the 2024 Summer Projects will begin the 3rd week in June with Maple Road being done first. A cul-de-sac will not be a part of the project.

Mr. Kifer said he wanted to see if Leechburg would want to join in National Night Out because of the possible regionalization.

The secretary said nothing has been heard about LSA Grant.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to renew our current contract with Comcast for 5 more years. Mr. Kifer seconded it and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to adopt the Amended Burning Ordinance, Mr. Kifer seconded it and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.  

The secretary asked where she should order the barrier for the end of Jackson Street which was already OK’d at a previous meeting. Mr. Artman said to measure it and he will order one.

Mrs. Ralston said the DGLVR Grant project on Garvers Ferry Road must be finished by the second week of August.


Mr. Kifer asked if the Amended ATV Ordinance be tabled.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to sign the Non-Building Waiver for Ryan Fox on Key Lane, Mr. Kifer seconded it and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.

The Resolution to Raise Auditor Pay was tabled.

Armstrong County received a grant that Parks Township was included on, which will be used for Garvers Ferry Hill and possibly Chestnut Road.


Mrs. Reilly complained about the high grass at the old school building on Kepple Hill. She said it is hard to see when coming out of Dalmation Drive and Forest Avenue.

Mr. Bell asked if No Pet signs can be put up at North Vandergrift Park, also another garbage can is needed. Mr. Artman suggested calling Shawn Leasure to see if he could build braces for the benches.

Mr. Veitch wanted to let the supervisors know that the water run-off on Crawford Avenue is still happening, Mr. Kifer said he would talk to him about it after the meeting.

Corporal Dubovi reported the PSP calls 88 to date. He said nothing significant, and no calls about ATV’s.


 The next Regular Monthly Meeting will be held    June 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, North Vandergrift.

There being no further questions or comments, Mrs. Ralston moved to adjourn at 8:19pm; Mr. Kifer seconded it. And Mr. Atman made it unanimous.

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Jeanna Cerra
