Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania
Meeting Date : Monday August 19th, 2024
Meeting Minutes

The Parks Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on August 19, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, 26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift.

 MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gregory Artman, Chairman                                   Scott Kifer, Member      

 Mary Ralston, Vice Chairman                                Jeanna Cerra, Secretary - Treasurer                                                                               


VISITORS:                          Richard Spires, Rich Simpson, Jeff Retter, Jay Start, Ken Reynolds, James Groce, Brian Szitas


 Mr. Artman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Copies of the Agenda and Minutes were given to all attending and were posted along with the Treasurer’s Report and Bill Payment List on the bulletin board for review.   Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting. 

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to adopt the Minutes from the July 15, 2024, regular meeting; Mr. Artman               seconded it.  

 Mr. Kifer made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report for July 2024, Mr. Artman seconded it, and Mrs. Ralston made it unanimous.  Receipts for July were $17,348.62 and expenses were $79,068.61 leaving a total balance of $664,666.55 (General Fund –$323,180.62; Capital Fund – $178,359.16; State Fund - $322,282.05; Street Light Fund – $19,203.88) Mrs. Ralston made a motion to renew the maturing CD with the highest rate Mr. Kifer seconded it and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.

Mr. Kifer made a motion to approve the Bill Payment List for July 12-August 15,2024, Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.    Each Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to himself or any member of his family.


Applications are being accepted for the 2024/2025 DGLVR Grant. Mrs. Ralston suggested calling Gregg Smith to see if Laurel Road would be eligible.

An on-lot sewage system permit was issued for Mary Aikins at 1661 Hungry Hollow Road.

A meeting for Armstrong County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2025 Update will be August 29, 2024. Mrs. Ralston said she will attend.


Police Report – The secretary read the police report from July 1-31, 2024. The 2015 Dodge Durango was relisted on Municibid, the transferring documents were misplaced and needed to be re applied for and the highest bidder was on a time constraint and backed out of the sale. So, the motion to accept that bid was rescinded and after the new listing expired the highest bidder was $5000.00. Mr. Artman made a motion to accept the bid, Mr. Kifer seconded it and Mrs. Ralston made it unanimous.

 Maintenance Crew- The crew has been getting pipes in for Garvers Ferry Hill grant project to start. Also, they have started working on the other side of Garvers Ferry for the DGLVR Grant. Mrs. Ralston said we need to look and see how much more stone we need to order. Mrs. Ralston also asked Mr. Artman if we needed to order antiskid, he said we did not at this time.  


Parks Committee- No committee

Planning Commission- The committee completed the burning brochure. Continuing with the Comprehensive plan and Road Data base updating. They will be working on the Solar Ordinance next. Mr. Kifer made a motion to print the brochure, Mr. Artman seconded it and Mrs. Ralston made it unanimous.  


Mrs. Ralston reported that there are now 6 municipalities in the study for Kiski Valley Regional Police: Kiski Township. North Apollo Borough, Apollo Borough, Leechburg. Parks Twp. And West Leechburg. If they all join the regional there will be 24-hour coverage with a minimum of 2 officers per shift.

The supervisors would like to meet with Peoples Gas Company again about moving the regulating station to paper alley on Washington Street. They have many other questions. Mrs. Ralston thinks that alley is not 40 feet like the map says.

No updates on the LSA Grant.

The pipes are in for the DGLVR Grant on Garvers Ferry Road. Stone will be ordered so it can be finished before the deadline at the end of September.

Pipes need to be replaced on Garvers Ferry Hill before Shields come to mill it up and pave the road for the County Grant.


Mr. Artman made a motion to contract McCutcheon for the dumpsters for the clean-up day on September 28, 2024.Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.

A letter was sent to the Board asking that Mr. and Mrs. Valente on Highland Avenue and Ms. Cerra also on Highland requesting to take over the paper alleys going through the middle of the properties. Mrs. Ralston said the township will no longer need the alleys for the township and the property will be released back to the property owners. Mr. Artman seconded it and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.

 Mr. Kifer made a motion to send the Amended Burning Along the Kiski River ordinance to the solicitor and once approved advertise for adoption on September 19, 2024, Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.


Mr. Reynolds asked if we paid the contractor who did Maple Road yet. He said a part of that road is sinking and there is a big wet spot. Mrs. Ralston said she will call the contractor.

Mr. Spires asked what is being done with properties with trash all over. He was told the police have sent several registered letters about that. He also asked Mr. Kifer to ride around Kepple Hill with him to see how many properties are in violation.


 The next Regular Monthly Meeting will be held September 16, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, North Vandergrift.

There being no further questions or comments, Mrs. Ralston moved to adjourn at 8:04 pm; Mr. Kifer seconded it, and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.     

 Respectfully Submitted,

 Jeanna Cerra
