Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania
Meeting Date : Monday October 21st, 2024
Meeting Minutes

                                                                                                                                                                                         The Parks Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on October 21, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, 26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift.

 MEMBERS PRESENT:  Gregory Artman, Chairman (late)                          Scott Kifer, Member    

 Mary Ralston, Vice Chairman                                Jeanna Cerra, Secretary - Treasurer 



VISITORS: Rich Simpson, Corporal Tyler Dubovi, Rick Cousins, Jay Start, Jeff Retter, Cindy Reilly                          


 Mrs. Ralston called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, Mr. Artman was running late, following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Copies of the Agenda and Minutes were given to all attending and were posted along with the Treasurer’s Report and Bill Payment List on the bulletin board for review.   Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting. 

Mr. Kifer made a motion to adopt the Minutes from October 21, 2024, regular meeting; Mrs. Ralston seconded it.  

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report for September, Mr. Kifer seconded it.  Receipts for September were $71,418.45 and expenses were $ 154,525.94 leaving a total balance of $182,725.78 (General Fund –$90336.03; Capital Fund – $190,451.50; State Fund - $77,875.06; Street Light Fund –$14,514.69)

Mr. Kifer made a motion to approve the Bill Payment List for September 13 October 17, 2024, Mrs. Ralston seconded it. Each Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to himself or any member of his family.


Armstrong County Hazard Mitigation sent a notice about an online meeting on October 23, 2024.

A notice was sent for the UC Group Trust Rate for 2025.

Armstrong County UCC Group sent an updated service fee schedule.

The secretary had the minutes and agenda from Armstrong County UCC Meeting from October 2, 2024

A new Right to Know Request form was presented.

A letter was sent with the estimated Liquid Fuels allocation for 2025. The amount is $113,479.24.


Police Report – September 1-30,2024

Maintenance Crew- A hidden driveway sign is under advisement that was requested by a resident who lives off Ridge Road. Garvers Ferry Road has been completed, and the crew is cleaning ditches and getting ready for winter.


Parks Committee- No committee

Planning Commission-They finished the burning brochure working on a Solar Farm Ordinance, updating the Comprehensive Plan and then working on AG Security properties.  


Mrs. Ralston reported that an estimated budget is complete and a Charter Agreement. All 6 municipalities have not come to an agreement yet and some feel they need to make more changes. She also said a public meeting will be scheduled before the Charter Agreement is adopted. Mr. Kifer added that he thought Mrs. Ralston has done a great job on this.

At the last meeting the board talked about having Terry Bowser fix Hickory Road, since then the DGLVR grant was extended, and the township was able to apply for a grant to fix Hickory which will be around $80,000.00 with a 50% match. Mrs. Ralston made a motion to proceed with the grant, Mr. Artman seconded, and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.


Mr. Pete Masetta told the secretary that there is water running down Marshall Street. He had a company come to look and it is not the water lines, he said it must be a stream that runs under the road. He asked that the township look and see if there was a way they could put a pipe under that road to alleviate the water. Mr. Artman said he will have the crew look at it.

Mr. Artman made a motion to contract J&N Properties again to mow grass at the parks and the lots for 2025, Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.

The McGowan Company sent an email requesting information to see if they can save the township money on the workers’ comp policy. Mrs. Ralston said to see what they could do.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to get salt from Riverlift this year, Mr. Kifer seconded it, and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.

Mrs. Ralston made a motion to advertise the meeting dates for 2025, Mr. Artman seconded it, and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.

Mr. Artman made a motion to have a CPA perform the audit for 2024, Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.

A letter was sent from Lenape stating there were a few openings in a couple of CDL classes. Mr. Artman said to sign Joe Gigliotti up for the next one and to call the solicitor for a contract stating that if he is terminated or quits his employment with the township within 3 years of getting his CDL license he must pay the township back.




 The next Regular Monthly Meeting will be held November 18,2024 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, North Vandergrift.

There being no further questions or comments, Mr. Kifer moved to adjourn at 7:46 pm; Mrs. Ralston seconded it, and Mr. Artman made it unanimous.

 Respectfully Submitted,


 Jeanna Cerra
