Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania
Meeting Date : Monday June 19th, 2017
Meeting Minutes

Parks Township

Board of Supervisors

June 19, 2017

The Parks Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on June 19, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, 26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift.

MEMBERS PRESENT:            F. L. Shannon, Chairman                                                                                            Paul R. Duriancik, Vice-Chairman                                                                                                       Thomas M. Filo, III, Member                                                                                     Mary E. Ralston, Secretary-Treasurer

VISITORS PRESENT:             Jeff Retter, Joseph Seren, Jay Start, Art Walker, Jeff Shuster, Brian Couslin, Kenneth Geist, Jennifer Geist, Brenda Milliman, Rod Artman,                                                  Debbie Belles,  Heidi Kifer, Tom Passarelli, Sylvia Brown, Byron Brown, Beth Potoka, Gregg Artman, Jim Couslin

OTHERS PRESENT:                Chief Doug Ciuca, Parks Twp. Police

Mr. Shannon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Copies of the Agenda, Minutes, Treasurer's Report, and Bill Payment List were posted on the bulletin board for review.  Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting.  Mrs. Ralston was taping the meeting.

Mr. Filo made a motion to adopt the Minutes of the May 15, 2017 regular monthly meeting; Mr. Duriancik seconded it and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.

Mr. Filo moved to accept the Treasurer's Report for May 2017 and Mr. Duriancik seconded it.  Receipts were $181,937.79 and expenditures were $82,185.77 leaving a total balance of $412,179.72 (General Fund - $149,806.84; Capital Funds - $31,708.68; Fire Escrow - $13,956.94; State Fund - $190,905.44; and Street Light  Fund - $25,801.82).

Mr. Duriancik asked about the payment to Staples and Mrs. Ralston explained it was for two filing cabinets, a new time clock for the Police Dept., and ink cartridges for the Police printer and her office printer.  He asked what the mileage rate was for 2017 and she told him .535 cents per mile.  Mr. Duriancik then made a motion to approve the Bill Payment List for May 11 thru June 14, 2017.  Mr. Filo seconded it and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.  Each Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to himself or any member of his family.


KVWPCA sent a copy of their April 19, 2017 Minutes.

PTMA sent a copy of their April 25, 2017 Minutes.

Bankson Engineers sent a copy of the Clarion Avenue Water Line Project plans, which were revised to correctly show  where underdrain would be installed along Run Road between Kepple Avenue and Clarion Avenue.

The Marine Corps Reserve sent information on the Alle-Kiski Toys for Tots Program; they are looking for locations, churches, and businesses to work with them to better serve the needy families within Armstrong County.

PTVFD sent a letter reporting that the money received from the Township in 2016 was used for repairs on the Tanker.

Kiski Area School District sent information on the Kiski Area East Primary Free Lunch Program for this summer.


Police Report - Mrs. Ralston read the Police Report fort May 1 thru May 31, 2017.

Maintenance Crew - Mr. Duriancik reported that they were short-handed the first week of June; sometimes the equipment was down; doesn't know what is being done as we jump from one thing to another.  The parks need mowed; they are so far behind.  They were going to hire a seasonal worker, but that was never done.  Mr. Shannon agreed that we've been short-handed and have been jumping around all over the place.  Wednesday, June 21st at 9:00 am was set to interview applicants for a seasonal mowing position.


Parks Committee - Mrs. Debbie Belles reported that the free lunch program started last week, but they can't compete with the one Kiski is having at the Vandergrift school.  Kittanning is being a royal pain in the butt; you can't call your orders in for the next day because the mail boxes are full; the driver was an hour late; one day they received frozen lunches and were told to set them out for an hour to thaw.  As for the parks, Kiskimere looks great thanks to Mrs. Brenda Milliman, who did all the work.  Mrs. Belles asked the Supervisors to look at the swing set in North Vandergrift as it is not very stable, especially when there are 3 kids on it.  They are afraid that the connections may come apart and they don't want an incident like Vandergrift had.  She also asked for a copy of the flyer from the Marine Corps.  Mrs. Milliman said the elephant ears are taking over the Port-A-John and paper retriever at Kiskimere;  she asked if they could be cut back.  Mr. Duriancik stated that the person that was doing the mowing was told to go up there and do that.  She added that the guys did a nice job putting the mulch down.  Mrs. Belles thanked the fire department for hosing out the pavilions as that saved them a ton of work.  Mrs. Kifer reported that they are in talks with the group doing the lunches at the school; it is too late to join them this year but possibly next year they may be able to have hot lunches at the pavilions.  They will get together probably in November, after all the data from this summer is reviewed.  The grass was mowed in Kepple Hill but no trimming was done.   She thanked whoever put the tennis net up; there was a pole that fell down a few months ago that has never been put back up; and weeds need cut around the basketball court.  She commented that the park just needs some TLC.

Planning Commission - Since there was no quorum and only two people showed up for the meeting, they discussed the MS-4 Project and the Data Base for the Floodplain.  The next meeting will be on July 10th at 6:00 pm.


Pump Station Road Update - Mr. Shannon reported that he talked with Mr. Knepshield about his proposal for Pump Station Road; it is ready but is on the computer and his wife is away; she will print it out once she returns.  He returned the map and plans for the project.   He said to talk with Senate Engineering about an approved Quonset hut design that is half the price that was previously discussed; they bring it in, set it down, bolt it together, line it with stone, and pave right over top of it.  Also, Fouse Contracting has been working with this product and was going to get some information for Mr. Knepshield. 

MS-4 Program Compliance Update - Mrs. Ralston talked with Ms. Yon of Senate Engineering and because we received a waiver for the pollution plan, we do not have to worry about downspouts going into our stormwater sewers at this time.  We also do not have to measure any sediment going into PennDot's drops because of that waiver.  However, we do have to take a photo of each drop we have and date the picture so it can be included with our official map.  We do not have to have a special public meeting because this is only our first year; the next time we have to renew, there will have to be a public meeting. 

Kepple Hill Drainage Project Update - Mr. Duriancik reported that George's Plumbing came with a camera but was unable to get past the terracotta pipe, which fits inside the plastic.  It appears as though the problem is underneath the sewer line, so there's a good chance that when that sewer line was put in, that pipe was damaged.  So, you either go under the road or you take the line over and across Bryan Street to the catch basin at the apartments.  He got some tablets to test the water for chlorine, but it looks like gray water to him.  Knepshield Excavating submitted a quote and Brestensky Brothers are going to give a price.  There is also a plumbing outfit in Arnold that can go underneath the road with an auger, and not damage the road.  They tabled the matter until the other quote is received.

Kepple Hill Road Slide Repair - Letter to Peoples Gas - Mr. Duriancik explained that the pipe is separated at the joint; is that separation causing the slide problem or did the road movement cause the pipe separation?  Water is going into that inlet but the same amount of water is not coming out.  Mr. Shannon asked if there was a catch basin there, and Mr. Duriancik told him no, there is one of those troughs.  Mr. Shannon said everyone feels the problem is caused by water running under the pipe; he feels that pipe needs blocked off or put a catch basin in and run that water down the side of the road down to the next drop.  Mr. Duriancik stated there is an underdrain there that would be torn out, it runs from where the two gas lines are down to the catch basin.  Mr. Shannon said we have a catch basin that nothing is running into and Mr. Duriancik said that is the one going to the settling pond.  Mr. Duriancik stated we need to hear something from the gas company first; did they abandon the second line; is it still in use?  A letter was sent to the gas company, but there has been no reply yet.  Mr. Duriancik added that on Hickory Road and Laurel Road, they have put guide rail post in, hammered in with the hoe, and it has not moved at all.  Could the same thing be done at the slide, he doesn't know.  We need to wait to hear from Brestensky Brothers and from the gas company.  As for seal coating the back hill, they need to berm both sides of the road at the very bottom.  What will they do when they come to the gas lines, will they skip that area, it would be about 50 feet.   Mr. Shannon said by getting tar down into those cracks, you might stabilize it a little.  Mr. Duriancik said they used to get blocks of tar, heat it and pour it into the cracks.  Mr. Duriancik added that he doesn't know where they are going to use all that bridge material from Swank Construction.  Mr. Shannon said they are going to bust it up, or pulverize it.  Mr. Duriancik stated that you will have to be careful where you use that, and all of the rebar will have to come out of there; he didn't agree with bringing that out to the building, as much as was there, but you two guys thought it was still okay, so be it then.

Roads to be Sealed - E. 2nd St., Locust Paved, Locust Dirt, Kepple Hill Rd, W. Penn Rd. - Mr. Shannon stated that at the last meeting they agreed to do the listed roads; he talked with Mr. Steve Pollick  and he is going to give us a couple of weeks to get the roads ready.  Mr. Duriancik asked what they were going to do, they have E. 2nd Street which they said they were going to do; they have Locust paved which they said they were going to do; they have Kepple Road they are going to do; they added West Penn; now what are they going to do on Locust Dirt, are you just going to go over top of what is there?   Mrs. Ralston said there is 2,930 feet from the end of the paved.  Mr. Shannon said he talked with Steve Pollick and he said if they were going to do anything with the dirt section, to put some gravel in there and try to crown it and put the MC-70 over it and that would give you a base for whatever is done.  Mr. Duriancik asked what particular part of the dirt section and Mr. Shannon said the whole dirt part back by Jeff's driveway.  Mr. Duriancik said you can't just lay this stuff over top of what's there; you got to grade it with those teeth.  Right now the road is lower than the two berms and water just lays there; so unless you bring that road up and crown it you're talking a lot of time.  Mr. Shannon said that's what Mr. Pollick was thinking about doing.  Mr. Duriancik said he was told all this stuff had to be done by Thursday.  Mr. Shannon said Pollick called today and said Gilpin was having trouble so he would give us a couple of weeks and do Gilpin and us at the same time.  Mrs. Ralston said she asked Steve Pollick if MC-70 would penetrate because we have already used it once and he said as long as it was MC-70 you could put MC-70 over it and it would soak in.  Mr. Duriancik said Mr. John Poproch returned his call and said you can or you cannot; it depends, it's not going to penetrate like it would on dirt.  Mr. Shannon said it would take care of the dust problem too.  Mrs. Ralston asked where the measurement of 2,930 feet went to and Mr. Duriancik said to the farmhouse driveway.  Mr. Duriancik said he disagrees with the time frame we have; you are either going to do it right or don't do it.  Mr. Shannon asked how long it would take to get it ready?  Mr. Duriancik said the way things are going he doesn't know how long things are going to take to get done.  Mr. Shannon said they will discuss how far they are going to go with that.  Mr. Duriancik stated some people have put a catch basin in along the road; some people have paved their driveway and the road; what are they doing here, people do whatever they want to do.  You got to take control of your roads.  Mr. Shannon said he agrees with that 100%.  Mr. Duriancik said once it's done, what do you do about it?  Mr. Shannon answered you just have to do whatever has to be done; if you are going to do the street, you do the street.


Adopt Stormwater Management Ordinance - Mr. Shannon said he doesn't know who is going to enforce it, but the State mandates they adopt it; when it comes time to enforce it they will have to hire somebody to interpret  it.  Mr. Duriancik said so we are going to pass this and then figure out how to enforce it.  Mr. Shannon said that was exactly right.  He then made a motion to adopt the Ordinance and Mr. Duriancik seconded it.  Mr. Filo made the vote unanimous.

Comcast Franchise Agreement - Comcast sent a notice that the renewal period for our Franchise Agreement under Section 626 is now open, and they request the start of renewal proceedings; to preserve their statutory rights, this letter is their official notice invoking that provision and fully reserves its renewal and extension right under the Franchise.  Solicitor Favero did the last agreement, which promised free internet; however, that was free internet for a residential account and could not be utilized by anyone in the Township.   


Ms. Brenda Milliman asked about the drainage problem at her house; she has not seen anyone up there.  Mr. Shannon said he knows she has a problem, but there are many problems in the Township.  Ms. Milliman said there is a difference between a berm and a water problem; a berm can be done any day, when her house falls over the hill and they are responsible for it, then they will talk but they won't be talking to her.  Mr. Shannon asked Mr. Duriancik if he had looked at it and he answered he knew  where she was talking about.  Johnson, part of Mary and Krupper should be paved and when that is done there should be a curb put over there.  Mr. Shannon said they did that before.  Ms. Milliman said it didn't work, there are two catch basins on the opposite side of the road and the water runs right by it.  The water does not run into it.  Ms. Milliman said the issue was never addressed on the church side, only on her side.  The water runs from the spring by the church down and across the road, so a pipe is needed to run the water to the catch basin.  Something needs done to keep the water from crossing the road.  Mr. Shannon said they will take a look at it, maybe on Wednesday.

Mr. Byron Brown, Ms. Silvia Brown, and Ms. Beth Potoka requested permission to pass a petition throughout the Township to have the Vandergrift Bridge renamed the Rudy Minarcin Bridge.  PennDot told them they would have to circulate a petition and get 10% of the voters to sign, then have approval from Vandergrift Borough and Parks Township.  Vandergrift has already given their approval.  The Board had no objection, so Mr. Shannon told them to bring the signed petition in and the Board would be happy to approve it and send a letter to PennDot. 

Mr. Tom Passarelli asked about Bee Street and was told it won't be done this year because of funding.

Mr. Rodney Artman asked about the hill from Upper Mateer Road to his driveway.  Mr. Shannon said it was in our plans but loggers are coming in and they have decided to wait until after the logging is finished to see what damage might be done.

Mr. Jeff Shuster asked if Locust will be sealed before winter.  Mr. Shannon said probably within the next couple of weeks.


The next regular monthly meeting will be held on July 17, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, North Vandergrift. 

There being no further questions or comments, Mr. Duriancik moved to adjourn at 7:58 pm and Mr. Filo seconded it.

Respectfully submitted,


Mary E. Ralston                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Secretary-Treasurer