Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania
Meeting Date : Monday August 21st, 2017
Meeting Minutes

Parks Township

Board of Supervisors

August 21, 2017

The Parks Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on August 21, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, 26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift.

MEMBERS PRESENT:            F. L. Shannon, Chairman                                                                                     Paul R. Duriancik, Vice-Chairman                                                                                                       Thomas M. Filo, III, Member                                                                              Mary E. Ralston, Secretary-Treasurer

VISITORS PRESENT:             Jeff Retter, Art Walker, Heidi Kifer, Tom Passarelli, Julie Passarelli, Debbie Belles, Brenda Milliman, Joe Seren, Jeff Shuster, Jay Start,                                                  Gregg Artman

OTHERS PRESENT:                Chief Doug Ciuca, Parks Twp. Police

Mr. Shannon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Copies of the Agenda, Minutes, Treasurer's Report, and Bill Payment LIst were posted on the bulletin board for review.  Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting.  Mrs. Ralston was taping the meeting.

Mrs Ralston announced that an Executive Session had been held on July 27, 2017, at 7:30 am at the Community Building, to disperse information concerning contractual items that could lead to litigation.  Problems have come up that make the use of the proposed products on Kepple Hill Roads unacceptable for now; there have been physical alterations of the road surface after the bids were awarded that were not done by the Township.  The Solicitor has advised rescinding and voiding the contracts, and rebidding the project.  No decision was reached.

Mr. Duriancik made a motion to adopt the Minutes of the July 17, 2017 regular monthly meeting.  Mr. Filo seconded the motion.  The Minutes will stand as presented.

Mrs. Ralston presented the Board with a Budget Report up thru August 16th for both the General and State Funds.  The amount of Impact fees for 2016  was $7,138.67.  Mr. Duriancik moved to accept the Treasurer's Report for July 2017; Mr. Filo seconded it, and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.  Receipts were $47,058.05 and expenditures were $42,678.29 leaving a total balance of $405,519.15 (General Fund -  $160,803.46; Capital Funds -  $39,052.35; Fire Escrow -  $13,956.94; State Fund -  $182,228.07; and Street Light Funds -  $23,435.27).

Mr. Duriancik made a motion to approve the Bill Payment List for July 13 thru August 16, 2017; Mr. Filo seconded it, and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.  Each Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to himself or any member of his family.


KVWPCA sent a copy of their June 21, 2017 Minutes.

PTMA sent a copy of their June 20, 2017 Minutes.

PennDot sent notice that a Public Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 23, 2017, at the Community Building from 4:00 to 5:00 pm for officials and from 5:00 to 6:00 pm for the public, to present the proposed plans for the bridge/culvert replacement on Dime Road over Stitts Run.  Mr. Duriancik asked if we notified Duda Cable, and Mrs. Ralston answered she did, plus several other businesses in the area.

PA Dept. of Labor and Industry sent a copy of a letter to Betty Rose Fischer, Secretary of Teamsters Local #538, that Mr. Michael J. Yagercik has been assigned as mediator during contract negotiations with the Township.  As of today, we have not heard anything from the Teamsters nor Mr. Yagercik about meeting dates.

KVWPCA sent a copy of the Minutes for the Post Construction Monitoring/Modeling Meeting held on August 3, 2017.

PA One Call announced the 2016 Excavator Fee rebates; Parks Township will receive a credit of $41.97 to offset our operating costs for participating in the PA One Call Program.

DEP sent a copy of a notice that an application from Mr. Dennis Munko for a proposed culvert and driveway construction had significant deficiencies.  He had been given 60 days notice to correct the application and nothing was done.  A second notice states that unless a response is received within 10 days, the application will be considered as withdrawn.

PA One Call Safety Days will be held on Thursday, September 14th, from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Monroeville Convention Center.


Police Report - Mrs. Ralston read the Police Report for July 1 thru July 31, 2017.

Maintenance Crew - Mr. Duriancik reported that the Crew has been cleaning drops for the last two weeks, repaired some roads in Kepple Hill, some of the time a truck was broke down, and all right-of-ways have been mowed.  He commended Baylee Summerhill for the tremendous job he did keeping everything mowed this summer.   He added that we keep jumping  around from what we're doing; and that's a big problem.  Locust Road caved in.  People keep stealing our signs; they steal our flags; they steal the cones from Kepple Hill.  They need to talk with Joe Stone about the Industrial Park Road and the damage done; he can't say for sure, but he thinks it was done by the water truck that was parked there.  Mr. Shannon added that they also received complaints about the bottom of Kiskimere Road where other equipment was parked.  They purchased blocks of tar to seal cracks.  Some of the drops and ditches haven't been cleaned in a long time; they were cleaned on the top but they had to get down under there so they could get pictures for the MS4 permit.


Parks Committee - Mrs. Brenda Milliman reported that the charcoal grills have not been installed at Kepple Hill and North Vandergrift; none of the signs have been replaced.  Mrs Ralston reported that Mr. Summerhill installed signs before he left, except at North Vandergrift because there was a problem with the ceiling at the pavilion and accessing the bolts to replace  the sign.     There is a problem with kids jumping off the equipment in North Vandergrift.  Mrs. Ralston said the new parts were due to be delivered this week.  Mrs. Milliman asked how long the port-a-johns would be in the parks and was told they are due to be picked up on the Wednesday after Labor Day, which is September 6th.  The Committee is looking into other options for a lunch program for next summer.   Mrs. Belles added that the rules they had to follow for County Community Action were not the rules required by the Dept. of Agriculture.   Hopefully they will be able to partner with Kiski Area's lunch program next year.  Mrs. Ralston reported that a lady called about using the NV Park next Sunday to hold a fundraiser to raise money to pay for funeral expenses; they are planning on having a Chinese Auction, food, music, pony rides, and other activities.  Mr. Shannon said there would have to be a waiver, especially if there were animals.  She will check with the Solicitor.  Mrs. Milliman asked about parking at the NV Park, because they were told by a non-resident businessman that they were impeding traffic while parked along Jefferson during the lunch program and it wouldn't hurt them to park under the bridge and walk to the park.  Mr. Shannon stated the dry hydrant area will be discussed later on under Old Business, and added there is parking established along Jefferson.                                 

Planning Commission - Mrs. Ralston reported that the Property Maintenance Ordinance is on hold; they are waiting to see what the County Commissioners are planning to do about blighted properties.  A 10-year review of our Comprehensive Plan is due in 2018 and they will be working on that.


Pump Station Road Update - Mr. Shannon reported that Mr. Knepshield gave him a drawing of a bridge that has been recently installed in Manor Township, that might work for Pump Station.  A project like this is under $60,000.  He thinks we should get Senate to get this approved with the DEP.  Mr. Duriancik asked what road was done in Manor and Mr. Filo answered Scout Road.

MS-4 Program Compliance -  A Homeowners Guide to Stormwater BMP Maintenance was reviewed; the Supervisors approved having the brochure printed to hand out to residents.

Kepple Hill Drainage Project Update - Following the Solicitor's advice, Mr. Filo made a motion to rescind the contracts for the Fibermat Seal and Paving of the streets in the drainage project area.  Mr. Duriancik seconded the motion and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.  Concerning the Clarion Avenue Water Line Project, Mr. John Poproch came up with 93 ton of 19 mm applied would be needed to cover where the water lines were installed to complete the project and the contract.   The cost of the binder is almost $7,000 and to have it applied would be much more.  We need invoices from Knepshield Excavation for the work he did on Kepple Avenue and Elm Street.  Mr. Shannon asked Mr. Duriancik to explain the options to him.  Mr. Duriancik stated that it's not what he wants to do with it, it's what they (the three of them) want to do with it.  You have the option of having Knephield pay them an "X" number of dollars and forego having anything put in those dug areas, or stick by this contract and have Knepshield fulfill that part of the contract.  That's the only two options they have.  Mr. Shannon asked what was the gist of him not wanting to do what he was contracted to do?  Mr. Duriancik replied that his claim is he is going to fill in the ditch with 19 mm but the other part of the road is going to be what?  In a way, Mr. Duriancik agrees with his reasoning there, but for the Township to go and have to fix up all that area that has been dug up, he doesn't think they want to do that.  Mr. Filo commented that Knepshield feels we are going to pave over it anyways, if he pays us "X" amount of dollars, why waste the material here.  Mr. Duriancik said Mr. Poproch said you have to do something with that, you can't just leave it the way it is.  The money offered is not near enough to pay for what needs done.  Also, since a quote was accepted to install pipes on Kepple Avenue at a public meeting, that needs to be invoiced separately.  Mr. Duriancik stated he can't say a trade-off would be something to do, especially just him.  He is satisfied with what was done on Kepple Avenue.  Mr. Shannon clarified that they should pay him for that and have him complete his contract with the Municipal Authority.   Mr. Duriancik added that Bankson wants a letter from the Supervisors stating that the Township will accept the responsibility for repairing Clarion Avenue  and accept Mr. Knepshield's  monetary offer.  He can't say yes or no; that is a Board decision.  Mr. Shannon asked, if in his opinion, it would be the wise thing to do, to hold him to his contract.  Mr. Duriancik stated as far as he knows, yes.  Mr. Shannon reiterated that Mr. Knepshield will have to bill us for his work on Kepple and Elm, and fulfill his obligation with the Municipal Authority.  That is what Mr. Poproch recommended should be done.  He said they would be foolish to take a monetary offer that did not cover the cost of repair.  The Maintenance Crew did some patching over the crossover pipes that were installed, but didn't touch anything near the construction of the water lines. There was a brief discussion with some members of the audience about what could be done to get the roads passable for winter.  All three Supervisors were in agreement that the contract with the Municipal Authority should be kept separate from the invoices for work done on Kepple Avenue and Elm Street.

Kepple Hill Road Slide Repair -  Two proposals were received, which Mr. Bill Braun of Senate Engineering reviewed.  Mr. Braun doesn't like the idea of adding more weight to the roadway.  Mr. Duriancik said the contractors are still not on the same page; they have different opinions as to how it should be repaired.  Mr. Shannon stated the road is going to have to be built up with something, no matter who does it.  Mr. Knepshield said he would cut it out where it is sunken at the guard rails.  Mr. Filo said he should have put that in his proposal.    Mr. Duriancik stated that Nagy changed his proposal after seeing Senate Engineers recommendation.  Mr. Nagy included an escalator clause that due to new placement of pipe, unmachinable rock shall be on an hourly basis.  He's going to cut the pavement back and then build it up.  He said there's no guarantee until you are down to bedrock; and this township may not have enough money to go down to bedrock.  Mr. Knepshield mentioned about building gabion baskets there, but then you are adding more weight.  Mr. Duriancik thought about driving guide rail posts into the hillside to help stabilize it.  A problem is the two 10" gas lines, but then they may be holding the whole road.  A registered letter was sent to the gas company but we haven't heard anything back yet.  Mr. Duriancik said the weight limit should be lowered.  Mr. Bill Braun had told Mrs. Ralston that it would be better to make the road one lane only rather than lower the weight limit; some bridges are 3 or 4 ton but he couldn't think of any roads with a weight limit that low.  When you get down to a weight limit that low, you need to turn it into one lane only.  Years ago it was 4 ton but once the road was reconstructed it became 10 ton.  Mr. Duriancik said they could also move the road back into the hill; but you can't move the road with three gas lines there that are supposedly abandoned.  After discussing the proposals, and the possibility of moving the road back, and installing cameras, and the possibility of our workers doing the work, the Supervisors decided to table it for now, as the scope of work was different on each quote.   Mr. Nagy had the opportunity to revise his quote, and they will give Mr. Knepshield an opportunity to revise his proposal.   They will also talk with Senate Engineering again.

Seal Coat Project - East 2nd Street, Locust paved, Kepple Hill Road, and West Penn Road are scheduled to be seal coated (tarred and chipped).  Locust Dirt, Piper Road dirt, Hickory Road, Laurel Road dirt, and Garvers Ferry dirt were looked at by Mr. Duriancik and Mr. Steve Pollick; we have an oil bid for MC-70 that could be used on these roads.  Mr. Duriancik stated only the dirt sections will be done.  Russell Standard said they can get around the caved in section of Locust and will be able to do the rest of the road to the Bethel Township line (from the farmhouse driveway to the township line was just added).  On their way back they will get Laurel Rd, Piper Rd, and then they will spray Hickory Rd. from Ridge Rd up to the second driveway and the Township will have to spread the stone (just on Hickory).  On Laurel they will start on the Upper Mateer end and continue until Ron Shuster's old driveway.  On Garvers Ferry they will start from Tom Park's place and go down to Stitts Run; because of the possibility of wash boarding, they will close the road the day before it is done.   All of the MC-70 will be used; none of the E-1 Prime will be used; and not all of the E-3 will be used.  Our bid runs out today; however, Mr. Steve Pollick is giving us a letter stating that Russell Standard is so far behind in their work because of the weather, they are honoring our bid from last year until this work is done.  They expect to get here in September and will give us a two-week notice beforehand and he will come and go over all the roads to make sure everything is ready.  Mr. Duriancik stated that Locust dirt needs bermed; Laurel ditchline needs some work done; we need the trucks.  Russell Standard will do all these roads; we will only have to spread the stone on Hickory. The equipment rental is estimated to be under $9,000.  Mr. Duriancik said the money earmarked for Kepple will be used for this.  Mrs. Ralston said some of the money will be coming from other funds, the Kepple Avenue Fund, E. 2nd Street Capital Fund; once the final bill is received we will know how much has to come out of the State Fund.  Mr Duriancik stated nobody wanted to get something done up Kepple Hill more than he did, but Mr. Poproch said if they tried to do something there now, they would just be throwing money away.  Mr. Duriancik made a motion to seal these roads with MC-70; Mr. Filo seconded it, and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.

Ridge and Slate Point Roads Speed Limit - Chief Ciuca submitted a report on the traffic study he did on Ridge Road and Slate Point Road.  After reviewing the data, he recommended to the Board that a speed limit of 40 mph be set on both roads.  Mr. Filo made a motion to post the roads at 40 mph; Mr. Duriancik seconded it; and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.  The Solicitor will be asked to prepare an ordinance.  Speed Limit signs will be ordered.

PTVFD Dry Hydrant - The Solicitor reviewed the Easement Agreement the PTVFD signed with Mr. James Boyd for the dry hydrant area along the Kiskiminetas River.   Because this subject has come up at several monthly meetings, Mrs. Ralston read the following statement to become a permanent record in the Minutes:   Under the terms of the easement agreement the fire department has a right of way described in the instrument for access to the river, to install a "dry hydrant", install ramps for the "dry hydrant", lay hose and supply lines.  The easement agreement remains in effect for so long as the fire department is in existence.  The Fire Department has the right to use the property described for the purpose set forth in the Easement Agreement.  As to enforcement, the fire department is going to have to decide if the actions of the land owner interfere with the use of the facilities by the department.  The easement is not exclusive but there is language in paragraph number 4 that clearly states that the use by the property owner (grantor), his heirs and assigns shall not interfere with the use of the facilities by the fire department (grantee).  Obviously no one can predict when the "dry hydrant" would need to be used so an argument can be made that the area should always be kept open and accessible and should not be blocked for any reason.  The fire department needs to have a letter sent on official fire department letterhead advising the property owner (either the executor of the estate or the attorney for the estate) as to what has been transpiring and that access has been interrupted and the fire departments use of the granted easement has been interfered with.



Locust Road Slide - Senate Engineering submitted a proposal for engineering services to prepare design and drawings for the stabilization of the landslide on Locust Road. KU Resources will prepare a geotechnical report, including two borings approximately 30 ft deep.  Senate will provide a topographic field survey, utility investigation (One Call), construction cost evaluations, erosion and sediment control plan, design of repair including construction details and sections drawings, technical specifications, and bid documents  for a sum not to exceed $17,380.00.  Mrs. Ralston talked with Mr. Gregg Smith about using Locust Road for a Low Volume Road Grant and he said nothing can be done with a slide area unless an engineer is involved; even the DEP requires an engineer for any type of slide for the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.  Mr. Duriancik said they need to close the road and put a camera up or something.  He thinks a property owner that lives there could get by, but up on Rosella Drive parents drive their kids to the bus stop. Mr. Duriancik said he doesn't think they can repair this themselves.  Both Bill Braun and Gregg Smith said it is imperative that they get the water off the road.  There was a brief discussion as to the best methods to deal with the water problem.  Mrs. Ralston asked if the cost of the core borings was included in the quote from Senate.  The Supervisors discussed how best to close the road.   Road Closed Ahead and Road Closed signs would be needed.   Large cement blocks could be purchased to block off the road.  They also discussed using the gates that had been used on Kepple Avenue.  Mr. Duriancik felt that residents need a way to get by.  They will get a couple of blocks and put the gate up.  Mrs. Ralston will clarify the cost of the borings is included in the price.  Mr. Duriancik suggested having a boring done at the top of Kepple Avenue while they are here; but,  Mr Filo said they will probably want another $17,000 for that.  He asked if we could find that much in the budget.  Mrs. Ralston said funds would have to be moved around and some would have to come out of the State Fund.  Mr. Filo made a motion to approve Senate Engineering's proposal if it includes the cost of the two borings.  Mr. Duriancik seconded it and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.

Armstrong Conservation District Grant Applications - Mr. Gregg Smith met with Mr. Duriancik about doing a project to address the mud flow from the hillside into our parking lot.  Chief Ciuca did the required traffic study for the Low Volume Roads Grant Application, and Mr. Smith drew a design for the project.  Chief Ciuca also did a traffic count on Locust in case we wanted to submit a grant application for the slide area.  The grant application is due by 4:00 pm on August 31, 2017.  Mr. Duriancik asked if it was possible to apply for both sites, as sometimes there is extra money available.  Mr. Duriancik made a motion to apply for both, making Locust Road the priority.  Mr. Shannon seconded it and Mr. Filo made the vote unanimous.  Mrs. Ralston will contact Senate Engineering to find out what to ask for on the application.

Morton Salt Quote - There is some salt left from last year, but if we don't have an agreement and there is a bad winter, we won't be able to order any.  Mr. Duriancik moved to accept the quote for $71.99 a ton for Bulk Safe-T-Salt for the winter season 2017/2018.  Mr. Filo seconded it and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.


Mrs. Brenda Milliman is still unhappy with the water situation under and around her house.  She stated it has been 5 months in a row since she first asked something be done to divert the water from running under her house.  She appreciates everything they are doing on Kepple Hill, but this is 5 months.  Mr. Shannon asked if they took the ramp off and Mr. Duriancik said no, they didn't yet but they will.  Mr Duriancik said he thought they did go up there and bermed and she said it helped.  Mrs. Milliman said they did a good job but it didn't do anything to address the problem.  Her house smells so musty because of all the water that lies under it.  Something has to be done.  Mr. Shannon told Mr. Duriancik to send the guys up there and cut the ramp off and try to correct the situation.  Mr. Duriancik asked if you want to do that before some of these other things or when do you want to put it on the priority list.  Mrs. Milliman said why don't they wait until her house slides over the hill and then they can come up, okay?.  Is that soon enough?  Mr. Duriancik said he's just trying to make a point  with the different things that need to be done here.  Mrs. Milliman said she's been waiting 4 years; you're jumping on problems that happened yesterday or a few weeks ago.  She's been coming here for 4 years complaining, enough is enough.  Mr. Duriancik said the ramp is in our right-of-way; Mrs. Milliman questioned that.  Mrs. Ralston said the ROW for that road is 50 feet.


The next regular monthly meeting will be held on September 18, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, North Vandergrift.  There being no further questions or comments, Mr. Filo moved to adjourn at 8:40 pm and Mr. Duriancik seconded it.

Respectfully submitted,


Mary E. Ralston                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Secretary-Treasurer