Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania
Meeting Date : Monday December 18th, 2017
Meeting Minutes

Parks Township

Board of Supervisors

December 18, 2017

The Parks Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on December 18, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, 26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift. 

MEMBERS PRESENT:            F. L. Shannon, Chairman                                                                                                    Mary E. Ralston, Secretary-Treasurer                                                                                               Thomas M. Filo, III, Member

VISITORS PRESENT:             Jeff Retter, Joe Seren, Brenda Milliman, Jay Start, Debbie Belles, Tom Burkefelt, Gregg  Artman  

OTHERS PRESENT:                Chief Doug Ciuca, Parks Township Police Dept.

Mr. Shannon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Copies of the Agenda, Minutes, Treasurer's Report, and Bill Payment List were posted on the bulletin board for review.  Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting.  Mrs. Ralston was taping the meeting.  Mr. Duriancik was absent due to illness.

Mr. Filo made a motion to adopt the Minutes of the November 20, 2017 regular monthly meeting and Mr. Shannon seconded it.

Mr. Filo moved to accept the Treasurer's Report for November 2017 and Mr. Shannon seconded it.

Mr. Filo made a motion to approve the Bill Payment List for November 16 thru December 13, 2017.  Mr. Shannon seconded it.  Each Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to himself or any member of his family.


KVWPCA sent a copy of their October 18, 2017 Minutes.

PTMA sent a copy of their October 24, 2017 Minutes.

Huntley & Huntley Energy Exploration sent notice that they are applying for a DEP Permit to Drill and Operate an Unconventional Well in Allegheny Township.

Gibson-Thomas Engineers sent a request for a Land Use Letter to submit with their DEP Application for the Glorietta #1 Bridge. 

Senator Don White will hold a Holiday Open House on December 21, 2017 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Armstrong County Office, 109 S. Jefferson Street, Kittanning.


Police Report - Mrs. Ralston read the Police Report for November 1 thru November 30, 2017.

Maintenance Crew - Mr. Shannon reported that the Crew has been busy plowing roads, berming, and cutting brush.


Parks Committee - Ms. Debbie Belles reported that they held their craft show on December 2nd, and made a total of $926.41 and the bills were $319.41, leaving a net profit of $607.00.  Out of that, they would like to have some of the money to help two people in need this Christmas, by giving them $100 each.  They will discuss it with the Supervisors after the meeting.  She also thanked Mr. Duriancik on behalf of the Committee for helping them out this past summer.  She asked that Ms. Jeanna Ellenberger be removed from the Committee and replaced with Ms. Brenda Milliman.  Ms. Ellenberger hasn't been able to attend any meetings this past year.  They need people to help with the parks.  They hope to make the craft show a yearly event.

Planning Commission - The Committee reviewed what has been accomplished over the past two years.  They have established a  Road Database, Residential Database, Floodplain Database; drafted a Property Maintenance Ordinance and a Rental Licensing and Inspection Program (which have not been adopted yet), recommended adopting suggestions from DEP to update the Burning Ordinance; completed the Blighted Property Survey, and developed a Brochure for Public Education on Stormwater Management.  Goals for 2018 are completing the 10-year review and adopt an updated Comprehensive Plan; complete the 7-year review of the Ag Security Program; participate in the County Land Bank and blighted properties programs; and continue striving to get property maintenance ordinances adopted.


Pump Station Road Update - Senate Engineering Proposal - Nothing new to report.

Low Volume Roads Grant Application - Executed contract is in the mail.

Armstrong UCC Group - The County sent some updates relating to the UCC Group.  There has been a recent change in legislation effective October 25, 2017, regarding the State permit fee increasing from $4.00 to $4.50 (Bureau Veritas has already made adjustments).  As of now, no new legislation has passed requiring municipalities to provide third-party building code inspectors.  Each municipality must appoint a UCC municipal representative to be a voting member of the Group.  The Group voted during the October 4, 2017 to retain the current Appeals Board for 2018.  Mr. Shannon suggested appointing Mr. Duriancik to be our representative.

Speed Limit Ordinance for Ridge and Slate Point Roads - Solicitor is preparing Ordinance.

Armstrong County PennDot Winter Preparedness Report - Mr. Duriancik attended it.

2018 Proposed Budget for All Funds - Mr. Filo made a motion to adopt the 2018 proposed budget and Mr. Shannon seconded it.

County Aid Program for 2018 - Two applications were submitted. The first one requested $15,000 to help with the paving of all the streets on Kepple Hill where drainage work was done this summer.  The second one is for 2019, the multimodal project, which would cover the rest of the streets on Kepple Hill, which would involve paving with 2" of 9.5 mm scratch & leveling, followed by a single seal coat.  Both the seal coat and the paving were included in the grant application.  The grant amount requested  was $84,000 with the Township providing $196,882.00; we will be able to adjust figures if awarded the second grant.

2020 Census - Mrs. Ralston attended LUCA training; this is the only opportunity we will have to question the addresses used in the Census.  The materials will be sent out in February and we will have 120 days to review everything.

Lights at Dime Building - Mr. Shannon reported he has an appointment to meet with Mr. George Suppers, who was the lowest bidder, about installing one light to see how that works; if we like it we can go with the other two.


Tax Collector Bond - Mr. Filo made a motion to not renew the Tax Collector Bond but to go with the County Bond, which covers 49%.  Mr. Shannon seconded the motion.

County Forms - The real estate assessment for 2018 is $38,114,150.   Mr. Shannon made a motion that the tax rate for 2018  would remain at 7 mills and Mr. Filo seconded it.  Mr. Filo moved to have the Street Light Assessment included on the 2018 Tax Duplicate and Mr. Shannon seconded it.  Mr. Shannon made a motion to get a copy of the Tax Duplicate and Mr. Filo seconded it.

Auditor Resignation Letter - Ms. Linda Cook sent a letter resigning from the Auditors effective December 4, 2017.  Mr. Filo made a motion to accept the resignation and Mr. Shannon seconded it.

2018 Meeting Dates - Mr. Filo made a motion to advertise the list of 2018 meeting dates and Mr. Shannon seconded it.  The Supervisors will meet the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm except January and February (Jan 2, Feb 12, Mar 19, Apr 16, May 21, June 18, July 16, Aug 20, Sept 17, Oct 15, Nov 19, Dec 17); the Parks Committee will meet the first Monday at 12:00 noon except for Jan and Sept (Jan 8, Feb 5, Mar 5, Apr 2, May 7, June 4, July 2, Aug 6, Sept 10, Oct 1, Nov 5, Dec 3); and the Planning Commission will meet the 2nd Monday at 6:00 pm except February, July, and November (Jan 8, Feb 5, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14, June 11, July - No Meeting, Aug 13, Sept 10, Oct 8, Nov 13, Dec 10).  All meetings are held at the Community Building, North Vandergrift.


Ms. Brenda Milliman asked why the grant applications were all for Kepple Hill, are they the only taxpayers in the Township, could the money be used in any other part of the Township? Mrs. Ralston explained that they have been concentrating on the streets in the country -  Slate Point, Ridge, Locust, and Garvers Ferry have been paved.  In Kiskimere they have all been paved except for the back section of  Mary Street, Johnson Street, and a little tiny section of Jane Street.  North Vandergrift streets were all tarred and chipped in the last two years.  None of the streets in Kepple Hill have been done; it is just time to do something with those streets.  Ms. Milliman stated about a month ago the crew dug out a culvert across from her house; she told them then that with the snow and rain it is like having a river running under her house.  Mr. Shannon said they would look at it.  She said she is tired of that response; her house is going over the hill.  Her next step will be to seek legal advice.   Her house and the water problem has never been taken care of.  Mr. Shannon stated that once Mr. Artman takes office, the Supervisors will go look at it after the first of the year.

Mr. Burkefelt asked about the paper alley or the far end of Poe Street.  He asked what is going on with it; he has been maintaining it for three years and his neighbor for 10 years.  Mr. Shannon stated that if the road has not been maintained by the Township for 21 years, it reverts to the property owners.  Mrs. Ralston told him to bring his survey and any paperwork he has, and she will forward it to the Solicitor to review.

Mr. Scott Kifer asked when the grant would be for Kepple Hill.  Mrs. Ralston said one is for 2018 and one is for 2019.  He asked if the 2" of asphalt was the base or top coat.  Mr. Filo said it would be a finish coat.  Mr. Kifer said they would be better off not spending the money for only 2" of asphalt because the fire trucks are way too heavy.

Mrs. Heidi Kifer commented that with the money earned from the craft show, they would like to buy new equipment for the North Vandergrift Park.  They would also like the new grills installed early this year.

Mr. Shannon acknowledged Mr. Duriancik's service for the past 12 years, and expressed his thanks for his dedication and hard work to make Parks Township a better place.


The Reorganization and next regular meeting will be held on January 2, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, North Vandergrift.  The Auditor's Reorganization Meeting will be held on January 3, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building.

There being no further comments or questions, Mr. Filo moved to adjourn at 7:40 pm and Mr. Shannon seconded it.

Respectfully submitted,


Mary E. Ralston                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Secretary-Treasurer