Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania Parks Township, Pennsylvania
Meeting Date : Monday April 16th, 2018
Meeting Minutes

Parks Township

Board of Supervisors

April 16, 2018

The Parks Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on April 16, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, 26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift.

MEMBERS PRESENT:            F. L. Shannon, Chairman                                                                                               Thomas M. Filo, III, Vice-Chairman                                                                                                     Gregory Artman, Member                                                                                            Mary E. Ralston, Secretary-Treasurer

VISITORS PRESENT:             Joe Seren, Jeff Retter, Brenda Milliman, Rich Simpson, Debbie Belles

OTHERS PRESENT:                Chief Doug Ciuca, Parks Township Police

Mr. Shannon called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Copies of the Agenda, Minutes, Treasurer's Report, and Bill Payment List were posted on the bulletin board for review.  Public comments will be taken at the end of the meeting.  Mrs. Ralston was taping the meeting.

Mr. Filo made a motion to adopt the Minutes of the March 19, 2018 meeting and Mr. Shannon seconded it. The year had been typed as 2019; that will be corrected to read 2018.

Mr. Filo moved to accept the Treasurer's Report for March 2018 and Mr. Shannon seconded it.  The Police Pension CD was renewed with Elderton Bank for a 29-month period at 2.25% interest.  Receipts for April were $178,442.18 and expenditures were $40,159.57 leaving a total balance of $237,051.10 (General Fund - 140.18; Capital Funds - $22,242.28; State Fund - $206,533.69; and Street Light Fund - $8,134.95).

Mr. Filo moved to approve the Bill Payment List for March 15 thru April 12, 2018 and Mr. Shannon seconded it.  Each Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to himself or any member of his family.


KVWPCA sent a copy of their January 17, 2018 Reorganization meeting Minutes and a copy of their February 21, 2018 meeting Minutes.

PennDot sent the results of the Monitoring Audit of the Township's Liquid Fuels Tax Fund on March 1, 2018.  No areas of concern were noted; everything was in compliance with Liquid Fuels rules and regulations; and both the State Fund balance and the Equipment Fund balance were accurate.

DEP sent notice that they have reviewed the Township's request for a waiver from NPDES MS4 permitting requirements and have determined that we qualify for a waiver and approved our request.  The waiver is for a 5-year period beginning March 16, 2018.  An application or Notice of Intent for coverage under an NPDES MS4 Permit must be submitted at least 180 days prior to the expiration of the waiver.

PSATS sent a copy of the 2018 Proposed Resolutions and Nominations Report to be considered and voted on at the State Convention on April 24th.


Police Report - Mrs. Ralston read the Police Report for March 1 thru March 31, 2018.

Maintenance Crew - Mr. Shannon reported the Crew has been patching, doing some sweeping, and will be installing pipes on Willow Road.  Johnson drainage problems have to be addressed.  A sinkhole was fixed on Sportsman Road.  Mr. John Poproch is available to come down April 24th, next Tuesday, to look at the roads (Locust, Laurel, Johnson, Maple, Kepple Hill Paving Project roads, and Park Street).   The backhoe is being repaired at Barr's.  Mr. Artman said the backhoe boom is ready to fall off; the employees said they reported it but it was never fixed.


Parks Committee - Mrs. Ralston provided the Supervisors with a list of things needing done at the Parks.  The last meeting was held at the North Vandergrift Park and they inspected everything as to what needed done.  Kiskimere Park is in pretty good shape, other than general yearly maintenance and the dusk-to-dawn light needs fixed.  Kepple Hill Park drastically needs work done, and everyone realizes that the drainage needs fixed first.  Some signs are needed for the NV Park, one listing what can and cannot be in the park and some watch children signs.  Mr. Gene Bell asked if a fine couldn't be posted, maybe for those people that take their dogs in the park and let them crap everywhere.  There's a sign that already states no animals in the park.  Also, there is a "doggy class" being held in the basketball/tennis court at the Kepple HIll Park.  These people do pick up the poop, but the dogs still crap everywhere.  The lady charges people to bring their dogs there for training, at least one Saturday a month.  Mr. Shannon said the Board was not aware of any of this.  The Committee requested again that the Fire Department remove the dumpster from the area where the free lunch program takes place.  The lunch program will start on June 13 and will be at all three parks; hot lunches will be served in conjunction with the Kiski Area Food Program led by Meredith Beatty.   Mrs. Milliman reported that they will be participating in a new program called Backpacks To Go, that provides food for  kids on Saturdays and Sundays.  The Guidance Counselors, Teachers, and the Principal  for East Primary will select the children; the 20 - 25 chosen participants will be kept confidential and the backpacks will be distributed by Teachers for East Primary.  Currently, KAEP falls into at least a 75% poverty level.  There are children who do not eat all weekend.  They will be accepting donations, that can be cash, gift cards, checks, or product donations.  Mrs. Belles stated that this is the same program that Charlie Batch started in Pittsburgh but unfortunately, we don't have that kind of money.  The Parks Committee requested that $200 of the money they earned at the craft show be donated to the Backpacks To Go Program.  Mr. Filo made a motion to donate the $200 to the Backpacks To Go Program; Mr. Shannon seconded it, and Mr. Artman made the vote unanimous.  Mrs. Milliman reported that an account had been opened at NexTier Bank and an EIN applied for.  She will provide a list of products that can be donated.

Planning Commission -  Since there was no quorum, the three members present just discussed the establishment of a County Land Bank and Property Maintenance Code.


Pump Station Road Update - Senate Engineering provided a cost comparison for a GRS Bridge and a box culvert, listing the advantages and disadvantages for both.  For the GRS Bridge he came up with a cost of $79,000 (that's with our crew doing a lot of the work) and said some of those beams could be used; they would have to be rechecked.  An estimated cost for the installation of a box culvert is $130,000.  The DEP G-11 Permit is good for replacing the bridge; to put a box culvert in would require another permit.  Once the Board decides what they want to do (to replace it with either a bridge or box culvert), they can pull the pipes out, satisfy the DEP, and then proceed to take the next step and build the bridge, whether it's to apply for a new permit for a box culvert or have the engineers design a bridge.  This would have to be done before any actual construction could begin.  After a lengthy discussion,  Mr. Artman made a motion to replace the bridge; Mr. Shannon seconded it, and Mr. Filo made the vote unanimous.

Kepple Hill Paving Project - Mr. John Poproch has the entire day of April 24th that he can come look at the roads we have questions about (Locust, Laurel, Maple, the roads to be paved in Kepple Hill, and Johnson Street).  A meeting will be set up for 9:00 am on Tuesday, April 24th.

Quotes for Jackson St/Alley LVR Project - Only one quote was received and that was from White's Excavation for $8700.  He attended the Pre-Construction meeting and met with Mr. Gregg Smith.  Mr. Filo moved to hire White's Excavation for the project; Mr. Artman seconded it, and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.

Truck Purchase - Three companies have been contacted to submit proposals for financing.  Mr. Artman stated he tried to get a status on the truck but no one answered the phone or returned the call.

Spring Clean Up Day; Electronics Collection -  Spring Clean Up Day will be on May 12th beginning at 7:30 am and ending at 12:00 noon.  Bailey's Junk Removal will be here to accept electronics; a list of prices has been posted on our website.  Volunteers are needed.


Seasonal Worker - Mr. Filo moved to hire Baylee Summerhill for the summer; he is available to start on May 12th.  He will do all the mowing, maintain the parks, mow the cemeteries, etc. and will be paid $10.00 an hour.  Mr. Artman seconded the motion and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.

Armstrong County Land Bank Formation; Letter of Interest - The County sent information on the establishment of a Land Bank and requested that any municipality that is interested send a letter to Planning and Development by the end of the month.  Mr. Shannon was concerned about what was required from the Township and Mr. Filo wanted to know how much maintenance would be required.  There were also concerns about liability issues.  Mr. Shannon made a motion to have Solicitor Jim Favero review all the documents before they make a decision.  Mr. Shannon stated we really need to get some ordinances with some teeth to them.  Mr. Shannon stated we should also do a count of the properties that are in a blighted condition.  Mrs. Ralston said that has already been done and turned in to the County; there are 26 properties that would fall under this program.  Mr. Artman said he had to agree with Mr. Shannon; there is nothing in any of the paperwork that says anything about liability issues.  The documents will be sent to the Solicitor for his opinion.

Summer Projects - This was already covered.

Quotes for 2018 - Pipe; Aggregates:  The quotes for aggregates has not come in yet, but Chemung, Walsh, and Sewickley submitted quotes for pipe and pipe accessories.   Mr. Filo made a motion to purchase pipe from the company with the lowest price.  Mr. Artman seconded it and Mr. Shannon made the vote unanimous.  An inventory of what pipe is needed will be done on the 24th, and then an order will be placed with the company who has the lowest total price.

Dehumidifier - The Supervisors discussed several different brands.  Mr. Filo made a motion to purchase a dehumidifier for the basement; Mr. Shannon seconded it, and Mr. Artman made the vote unanimous.  Mr. Filo will compare brands and companies to get the cheapest one.

Mrs. Ralston reported that West Penn Power sent a letter stating that over 1500 KWH was used for the last two months at the Dime Building, so we are now being put on demand which means we are going to be paying more.  The Supervisors will talk with the employees.

The Armstrong County Association of Township Officers  (ACATO) will hold their Annual Convention on May 22, 2018 at the Kittanning Township Fire Hall on Route 422.  Registration will begin at 8:00 am and end at 9:30 am.  Mr. Shannon and Mrs. Ralston will attend.  Mr. Filo and Mr. Artman have scheduling conflicts.



The next regular monthly meeting will be held on May 21, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Community Building, North Vandergrift.  There being no further questions or comments, Mr. Filo moved to adjourn at 8:17 pm and Mr. Artman seconded it.

Respectfully submitted,


Mary E. Ralston                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Secretary-Treasurer