Parks Township
Board of Supervisors
August 20, 2021
The Parks Township Board of Supervisors
held a special meeting on August 20, 2021 at 5:15 pm in the Community Building,
26 Jackson Street, North Vandergrift, for the purpose of reading and awarding
the bid for the Ridge and Birch Roads Paving Project and to address any other
business that may come before the board.
Thomas M. Filo, III, Chairman
Artman, Vice Chairman
Scott Kifer, Member
Mary E Ralston, Secretary - Treasurer
PRESENT: Tony Tvrdovsky, John Mozina,
Officer William Weber, Jeanna Cerra Assistant Secretary
Mr. Filo called the meeting to
order at 7:00 pm following the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag. Copies of the Agenda, Minutes, Treasurers Report, and Bill
Payment List were posted on the bulletin board for review. Public
comments will be taken at the end of the meeting.
Mr. Artman made a motion to adopt the Minutes from the
July 19, 2021 and August 16, 2021regular monthly meetings. Mr. Kifer
seconded it and Mr. Filo made it unanimous.
Mrs. Ralston presented the
Treasurer's Report for July 2021. Mr. Artman moved to accept the
Treasurer's Report; Mr. Filo seconded the motion and Mr. Kifer made it
unanimous. Receipts for July were $174,533.50 and expenses were 34,733.10
leaving a total balance of $548,917.12. (General Fund –$ 110,421.60;
Capital Fund – $179,002.61; State Fund - $246,764.51; and Street Light Fund – $12,728.40). The
first payment of the Recovery Funds was received and put into a capital fund.
Mr. Kifer made a motion to
approve the Bill Payment List for July 16, 2021 through August 12, 2021 Mr. Filo seconded it and Mr.
Artman made it unanimous. Each
Supervisor stipulated that his vote did not include anything pertaining to
himself or any member of his family.
The following bids were received:
Derry Construction $72,755.75
Asphalt Paving $67,267.60
Mr. Artman made a motion to award
the bid to Shields Asphalt Paving as their bid of $67,267.60 was the lowest.
Mr. Filo seconded the motion and Mr. Kifer made the vote unanimous.
KVWPCA sent a copy of their June 2021 minutes.
PSATS sent information on ACT 65
2021 Posting Agendas – Beginning August 29, 2021 Agendas must be posted on the
website and a copy provided to everyone attending the meeting. This applies to
all meetings, including the Planning Commission and the Parks Committee. If there are any changes or additions, the
Agenda has to be posted again; for any new items that must be addressed, there
must be a majority vote to add them to the Agenda.
PTMA sent a copy of their June 2021
Leading Technologies sent notice
that they are submitting a DEP Application to renew their Air Permit.
Kiski Area School District sent an
email stating they changed to Smith Transportation for 2021-2022 busing.
Police Report – Mrs. Ralston read
the Police Report for July 1, 2021 through July 31, 2021.
Maintenance Crew – Mr. Artman reported
that the crew are cutting trees from the storms, doing some ditch work on
Oak Road, and putting pipes in Ridge and Birch Roads. Mr. Filo asked if they could clean the drop in
front of his house.
Parks Committee - The
tree has been removed and Mr. Artman said it looks good.
Planning Commission – There was a meeting
August 9, 2021; there was a quorum. The nuisance, burning, and junk auto
ordinances were reviewed.
Maple Road – Senate
Engineering Inspection – Mr. Bill Braun reported that on July 22, 2021 Mrs.
Ralston and he looked at the two landslides on Maple Road that occurred
approximately two years ago. They are on
the low side of the road, which is steeply-sloped down to an un-named tributary
to Guffy Run. The area is wooded, making it difficult to observe the landslide
due to vegetation. He recommended that the road should remain closed by barricades
because it is not safe for vehicles to utilize. If the landslides were repaired
(long-term engineered repaired), guiderails installed, drainage and road
surface improvements, he estimated the cost would be an excess of $400,000.00. He suggested the Township might want to
consider a permanent closure of the road and possibly vacate the right-of -way. Mrs. Ralston reported the gate was unlocked
and that she had given the road crew a new lock for it.
Summer Projects – A Dirt and
Gravel Grant Application was submitted for Slate Point Road; $43,255.80 was
requested with in-kind contributions of $43,523.00 for a total project of
$86,778.80. Awards should be announced
in October.
American Recovery
Funds – Funds in the amount of $134,185.93 have been received and put into a
capital fund. PSATS is working on expanding eligible uses of the funds.
Grant Street Ordinance –The ordinance was
advertised. Mrs. Ralston informed the
Board that the legal width of Grant Street is 40ft. Mr. Kifer made a motion to adopt the Grant
Street Ordinance; Mr. Artman seconded it and Mr. Filo made it unanimous. A letter
will be sent to all residents. No
citations can be issued until 30 days after the residents have been notified.
Animal Ordinance –The
Solicitor made the changes the Board requested and provided a new draft for
review. Mr. Kifer questioned the second
page Section C about animals being on a leash, but we have the parks posted as
no pets allowed. The ordinance states all pets must be on a leash whether in
parks, streets, or any property that is not owned by the pet owner. Mr.
Artman made a motion to advertise the ordinance, Mr. Kifer seconded and Mr.
Filo made it unanimous.
Township Clean-Up Day at
Cook Medical - A Township Clean-up Day in conjunction with Cook Medical will be
held on September 25, 2021 from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Cook Medical
facility. Mrs. Ralston said McCutcheon
Enterprises charges $525 per dumpster; Shank Waste charges $490 per dumpster and scrap dumpsters at $275 each with the Township
getting the money for the scrap credited to their account. There will be a separate company to collect
electronics for an additional fee. First
truck load is free, with a charge of $10.00 for any additional loads. Mr. Kifer moved to hire Shank Waste for the
clean-up; Mr. Artman seconded it and Mr. Filo made the vote unanimous.
Senate Engineering Road Bond and Inspection –
The Board discussed having Senate Engineering handle all road bonds and inspections; this will include reviewing
the application, inspecting road conditions(documented by video or photos),
issuing road occupancy permits, recommending bond amounts, interim inspections
if necessary, final inspection and recommending any repairs needed. Their costs averages $600 to $1500 per inspection, depending on the size of
the road, etc. The Solicitor stated we
need to decide if we want this to pass through the Township books or for Senate Engineering
to directly bill the applicant. The Board thought this was a good idea and
instructed the Secretary to contact Mr. Braun and set up a meeting to work out
the details.
Mr Filo made a motion to
table the Ash Road Occupancy Permit until next the meeting, after we get a
price for damages. Mr Artman seconded.
Mr. Filo moved to table
the proposal from PennDOT for Jefferson Street Turnback; Mr. Artman seconded it
and Mr. Kifer made it unanimous.
Mrs. Ralston told the Board
that she and Ms. Cerra would like to attend the Dirt and Gravel Road Training
on September 28, 2021, at Hilton Garden Inn Beaver Valley. Mr. Kifer said that he would also like to attend.
Mrs. Ralston stated she would register
him. Mr. Filo made a motion to pay the
expenses for the training, including going the night before if a good room rate
could be found, as the class starts at 7:30 am and is about two hours away. Mr. Artman seconded the motion.
Officer Weber stated that
a resident requested stop signs be placed at the intersection of the alley and Dime Road, and also at East Third St.,
where there is nothing to show it’s one
way when pulling out of the alley. Mr.
Artman made a motion to purchase three stop signs and a one-way sign. Mr. Kifer seconded the motion and Mr. Filo made
it unanimous.
Mr. Filo reported that he
had received a quote for new radios for the police and PTVFD; the COSTARS price
is around $85,000.00, which includes 21 portables. This purchase will be in lieu of the
$10,000.00 annual contribution. During the recent pandemic we realized how
important updated equipment is for our first responders, especially having an
adequate updated means of
communication. Mr. Kifer moved to
purchase the radios through COSTARS using American Recovery Funds; Mr. Artman
seconded it and Mr. Filo made it unanimous.
Mr. Tvrdovsky asked if we had
a Code Officer; Mr. Filo said Doug Ciuca was the Code Officer. He complained
about trash and shrubs grown up along Penn Ave., missing shingles, and a junk
car and trailer along Penn Ave. and SR 66.
Mrs. Ralston stated the Planning Commission was working on an ordinance
to address these issues.
Mr. Mozina was not happy
with the whole process of getting a road occupancy permit and bonding Ash
Road. He referred to Ordinance
#7-20-2009 and felt that process was not followed in his case. After a heated discussion, Mr. Artman made a
motion to refund the $5000.00 bond and Mr. Filo seconded it. Mr. Kifer voted no.
The next regular
monthly meeting will be held July 19, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Community
Building, North Vandergrift.
There being no further questions
or comments, Mr. Filo moved to adjourn at 6:15 pm; Mr. Artman seconded it, Mr.
Kifer made it unanimous.
Jeanna Cerra
Assistant Secretary
Mary E. Ralston